Security Systems
Security systems are active or passive components that contribute to the security and safety of persons or buildings. DS DATA SYSTEMS will guide you on the way to protecting your buildings and infrastructure with our broad expertise and our target-oriented, sustainable planning.
Security Systems at
A security system and the therein contained components include all devices and equipment that ensures the security of an object and is an important element for many companies and authortities. However, many companies and authorities forget to renew, modernise and plan security systems in a cost-effective manner.
DS DATA SYSTEMS has been the expert for information security, data protection and security systems for almost 30 years. For medium-sized businesses to international coroporation – regardeless of sector – as well as for the federal and state governements.
Your advantages:
- Industry-independent
- Active worldwide
- Almost 30 years of market experience
- Discreet and careful
- Personal and individual
- Cost-oriented
Your advantages:
- Industry-independent
- Active worldwide
- Almost 30 years of market experience
- Discreet and careful
- Personal and individual
- Cost-oriented
Why security systems?
The security system protects your building and the processes that are taking place within. It protects unauthorised persons from gaining access and ensures required information is transported to the right people.
The installed security technology is used in a wide range of sectors, for example
- in healthcare
- at public agencies and authorities.
- in industrial companies
- in the event industry
- at construction sites
Our security consultants would be happy to provide you with mantufacture-independet advice regarding the following topics:
- Intruder alarm system
- Fire alarm and evacuation system
- Video surveillance system
- Physical access system
- Escape and evacuation technology
- Security Concepts
We look forward to working in collaboration with you to address the challenges your organization is facing and increase the overall level of security of your buildings.
Intruder alarm system
Intrusion detection systems are security systems used to detect and report intrusions into a building or a specific area. There are different types and designs of intruder alarm systems. These include systems with mechanical contacts, motion detectors or even glass breakage detectors.
These systems can be linked to either an alarm system or a surveillance system, so that in the event of a break-in, an immediate notification is sent to the police or appropriate security services. Our security consultants can also combine your intruder alarm systems with other security technologies, such as video surveillance systems and access control systems for example, to provide more comprehensive security.
Fire alarm and evacuation system
Der Schutz der persönlichen Unversehrtheit und der Schutz von Leib und Leben ist von besonders großem Interesse! Brandmeldeanlagen sind Sicherheitssysteme, die dazu verwendet werden, Brände in einem Gebäude oder einem Bereich frühzeitig zu erkennen und Alarm auslösen.
Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Brandmeldeanlagen, welche bspw. Rauchmelder, Wärmemelder oder Kohlenmonoxid Melder verwenden. Diese Systeme sind in der Regel mit einer Brandmeldezentrale verbunden, die sofortige Benachrichtigungen an die Feuerwehr und andere Notfallservices sendet, wenn ein Brand erkannt wird.
Evakuierungsanlagen sind Sicherheitssysteme, die dazu verwendet werden, Personen in Gefahr schnell und sicher aus einem Gebäude oder einem Bereich zu evakuieren. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Evakuierungsanlagen, wie zum Beispiel der Einsatz von Notbeleuchtung, Evakuierungskarten und Fluchtwegen. Diese Systeme sind in der Regel mit Brandmeldeanlagen und anderen Sicherheitstechnologien verbunden, um eine schnelle und sichere Evakuierung zu gewährleisten.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass beide Arten von Anlagen wichtig und in bestimmten Gebäuden, wie z.B. in öffentlichen Gebäuden, Gebäuden mit vielen Personen oder Gefahrenquellen, obligatorisch sind. Zusätzlich kann der Einsatz von Brandmeldeanlagen für die Senkung der Gebäudeversicherungssummen führen. Eine regelmäßige Wartung und Überprüfung von Brandmeldeanlagen und Evakuierungsanlagen ist unerlässlich, um sicherzustellen, dass sie im Notfall ordnungsgemäß funktionieren.
Seit 2017 sind wir durch die VdS eine zertifizierte „Fachfirma für Brandmeldeanlagen“ nach DIN 14675 für die Phase 6.1 Planung und Phase 6.2 Projektierung.
Die DIN 14675 legt die Anforderungen für den Aufbau und den Betrieb von Anlagen für die Brandmeldung und Feueralarmierung in und an Gebäuden unter Berücksichtigung von baurechtlichen und von feuerwehrspezifischen Anforderungen fest.
Video surveillance system
Video surveillance systems are used to record and monitor images and videos of specific areas of a building or perimeter. These systems can use either analogue cameras or digital IP cameras and can be displayed either on a monitor or in a monitoring centre.
Video surveillance systems are used to prevent or detect burglary, theft, vandalism or other criminal activities. They help increase the safety of people in a building or area by identifying potential hazards and accelerating the response of security personnel or emergency services.
Video surveillance systems are subject to strict data protection regulations. In addition, there are guidelines about how and where these may be installed and how the data may be stored and processed. To ensure proper functioning, especially in an emergency, regular inspection of the cameras and recording devices is essential.
Physical access system
Access authorisation systems, also known as access control systems, are security systems used to control and monitor access to specific areas of a building or area. There are different types and designs of (physical) access authorisation systems. These include systems with keys, codes, card readers as well as biometric procedures.
Physical access systems allow companies and organisations to control and technically restrict access to sensitive areas by authorising a selected group of people. They can also be used to log and monitor access to buildings and premises to detect and prevent potential security problems or breaches.
We can work alongside you to and implement various phyiscal access authorisation systems, or we can do it all for you. These include the following for example Stand alone systems that monitor only one door or area and network systems that can monitor and manage multiple doors and areas. It is important to maintain and update the systems regularly to ensure that tehir proper functioning and meet the latest standards.
IT systems and security systems are now closely linked. That is why we have a team that advises exclusively on the planning of and use of IT systems on a daily basis.
We are experts in the analysis, conception and documentation (CAD drawing work) of IT systems and often take the lead of big projects. With our expertise, we can offer our clients an all inclusive package.
Escape and evacuation technology
Escape and evacuation technology includes all measures and technologies that help ensure that people in a building or environment can be evacuated quickly and safely in the event of an emergency. These includeelectronic door openers, illuminated signs as escape route markings, emergency lighting, escape route markings, fire doors and escape ladders.
These technologies must be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure proper functioning. To practice for an emergency, emergency procedures should be continuously tested and all persons in the organisation should be prepared and trained by regular evacuation drills.
Security Concepts
A security concept is a method or plan aimed at ensuring the security of people, buildings and facilities. It includes both preventive and reactive measures to protect from potential hazards and threats.
A security concept is structured into different aspects. Starting with the identification of potential security risks and threats, continuing with the development of protective measures and the implementation of security checks and tests. Additionally, the training and awareness of employees as well as the development of emergency plans and procedures are important aspects of the concept.
It is important to note that a security concept should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it meets the current threat landscape and requirements. It is also important that the concept is developed and implemented by qualified professionals who have the required expertise and skills to create an effective and efficient security concept.
Let’s develop your individual security concept together to achive the desired and appropriate level of security!